Try It Before You Buy It

FAQs - Frequently Asked Questions

Because these sample cushions are not general merchandise and supplies are limited, we randomly choose a cushion for you from our supply of retired photo samples.

You can try out the feel and fit of the cushion from the sample. We will provide fabric swatches of your chosen fabric so you can try out the appearance.

Please contact Customer Serviceto request the coupon code to receive a free sample cushion when you pay shipping and handling.

Contacting a Customer Service agent helps us prevent abuse of the program. Sample cushions are provided with the understanding that the customer intends to purchase a set of cushions for their rocking chair, dining room or kitchen table.

You can certainly buy the cushions you want and return them, but, you would be responsible for paying the return shipping and you would not receive a refund of your original shipping cost (Returns Policy).

You may be surprised to learn that this is the standard returns policy for most home decor items on Amazon, Wayfair, Houzz, and other major online retailers.

Our Try It Before You Buy It program is intended as a fair compromise to help our customers avoid the cost and inconvenience of a return, since we aren't big enough to be able to afford to offer free returns.

Due to state and federal labeling, sanitation and licensing requirements, we do not sell used cushions.

The cushions in the TRY IT BEFORE YOU BUY IT program are photo samples and design prototypes. They have been handled by photographers and designers, but they have not been used by consumers.

They may show some minor scuffs or cosmetic flaws. Supplies are limited. They are provided as samples only; they are not general merchandise.

After you try the cushion, we're sure you'll love it! Your family can fight over who gets the sample cushion for their desk chair, or you can give it to your cat or dog for a pet bed.

We're not offering return shipping on these samples, and we doubt you would want to pay return shipping to send it back to us, so if you don't want to keep it, we suggest that you give it to a friend, coworker or family member. You can even give your friend free shipping if they decide to place an order.

We're not able to provide sample cushions in other styles, but you can find various product styles in the Bargain Bin, many for under $10.

When you use the Try It Before You Buy It coupon code at checkout, you will receive one sample cushion and up to 5 fabric swatches for free, just pay shipping and handling for the cushion.

Visit the Fabric Swatches Page to add up to 5 fabric swatches to your shopping cart, add the sample cushion to your cart, enter the coupon code at checkout, and complete your order.

Fabric swatches are usually about the size of an index card, but they may be smaller for solid color fabrics or bigger for large prints. They are made from leftover fabric pieces and will have unfinished edges.

Contact Customer Service to request the coupon code for a free sample